Wednesday, February 9, 2011

iVillage and Brainiac Dating Article.

Brainiac Dating was mentioned on the NBC Today show, and Kelly Wallace the chief correspondent for said:
"Brainiacs Unite, I love this site. This is the site for those who are looking for intellectual stimulation, and for those guys who can keep up with you..."

Here are some screen captures from the video.

Link to video

Link to article...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Affiliate System

I have created an affiliate system to bring new traffic to my site: Brainiac Dating

I hope this will improve promotional costs and search rankings.

Here is a test link:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Possible errors in Facebook ad targeting?

I've noticed wild fluctuations in my Facebook ad conversion rates, which is surprising since my ads are highly targeted for I only target about 10% of the singles on Facebook. The day to day conversion fluctuation can be 200%. It's very spiky and while I have not done any mathematical analysis, it seems like my impression volume, 500k per day should be high enough to smooth out the data.

I see some discussion in the FB developer forums of possible bugs, and am wondering if anyone else has seen this, and what magnitude?

FB forum: read more here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Iphone dating

I came across a new kind of dating service by meetMoi. It is map - GPS based and I came across it through Time Out NY which is an events site for New York that is one of the entry portals for the MeetMoi database.
So you can search based on your location through your phone.

Seems like a cool concept, and one that would work well in a crowded city like New York. I am not sure how well it would work on my phone since the internet speed is a bit slow for normal browsing. They have about 3000 new profiles per day, so they are growing fast!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dating sites for twitterers

I did a search for dating sites catering to the Twitter niche and found just three:

I did a google search and found these sites: rank 1121827 2100858 3116521

Based on the poor Alexa rankings there is not much fire in these sites just yet. Advertising might still be ramped up, but in the mean time compare for example, my purely academic tree genus site which has an Alexa ranking of 1605781, and it is not advertised anywhere.
Any reasonably active site should have a rank lower than 100,000.
I guess love just doesn't fit into 140 characters!

Breakdown of Facebook Insights

Surprise, the city with the most fans of Brainiac Dating is Dublin, Ireland!
See the latest breakdown of the fan demographic from Facebook insights in the image below. The demographics are somewhat skewed by the relative efficiency of the advertising campaign we ran to get fans, because the actual demographics are definitely more
biased towards US cities like New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. We also have 60% male members and the age distribution is much less skewed towards to 18-24 year old end.
Facebook insights for Brainiac Dating

We could increase the number of Facebook "likes" - as it is now called, but my attention is instead focused on building a following on Twitter, and we just passed the 1000 follower mark without spending a dime. On the other hand, it cost a thousand dollars to get the 383 Facebook fans! You know where my attention is going...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Twitter Scam

There are all sorts of Twitter scams, but I just noticed a new one. They pretend to be something interesting to get you to follow, and a while later they show a different identity. Otherwise I can't explain why I would have followed anything like this.

Twitter probably isn't the first place one would expect to find porn, but I suppose now it is also trying to figure out how to find itself using the new media. So I have to keep watching on who I am following to weed out the non-brainiac activity.