Thursday, April 29, 2010

Breakdown of Facebook Insights

Surprise, the city with the most fans of Brainiac Dating is Dublin, Ireland!
See the latest breakdown of the fan demographic from Facebook insights in the image below. The demographics are somewhat skewed by the relative efficiency of the advertising campaign we ran to get fans, because the actual demographics are definitely more
biased towards US cities like New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. We also have 60% male members and the age distribution is much less skewed towards to 18-24 year old end.
Facebook insights for Brainiac Dating

We could increase the number of Facebook "likes" - as it is now called, but my attention is instead focused on building a following on Twitter, and we just passed the 1000 follower mark without spending a dime. On the other hand, it cost a thousand dollars to get the 383 Facebook fans! You know where my attention is going...

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