Monday, March 22, 2010

Find a Smart Date on Facebook

I just came across this new site called smart date which uses your facebook friends to scan through their friends and find dates for you. I would not normally have come across such a site except that it was in the news because of a recent venture capital investment of $2.5 million! Wow, again showing how hot the Facebook economy is.

I think this is a good idea, but wonder how well people tag their information in Facebook. Most people fill out their profile once, so I'd bet that half the information is out of date, so it's not like members on a site like who would be keeping their profiles active and specifically designed for the purpose of dating. They also need to compete with Zoosk - who is the dominant dating site on Facebook. Another worry I have is about the privacy of one's friends network.
Somewhere it should be required to ask permission to trace a friends network, but your friends and their friends may not
want to be bothered, or even annoyed to have their friends traced. Unless this is done secretly, and under the hood, but
then that's even a worse problem.

Darn, I wish my smart date - Brainiac Dating - which really is smart dating could get $2.5 million in funding, or even just a quarter of that would probably be enough to splurge on advertising and grow the membership five fold. That would be investor money more well spent!

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