Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Good looking ads

Most of the members and visitors on my site ( see to avoid clicking on the embedded AdSense ads - so they don't seem very effective at all. At best the ads generate $10-$20 per day which is low. The eCPM is $1.50 seems high.

It is likely that only a small percentage of internet users are responsible for most of the clicks, and so these are probably not the sames ones as those on my site. Every once in a while I see a ridiculous ad, like this one for EliteMeeting which probably gets a lot of clicks, but I wonder how they can make any money? Does this wealthy and young woman need to walk around in underwear to get your attention? Maybe they know something I don't.
The wasted clicks must be a big problem for ads like this. All the sugar daddy types of sites have a similar problem. It's better to show ads that represent regular people like those on your site, such as these that I use on my site:
although this stock photo of the woman in the library stacks is rather popular.

Other ones that I like are these, but these two models are all over the internet now.
This cute woman is also used in ads for various colleges.

So the ad that works best is my cruddy drawing of two hearts. It may be time to hire a professional to draw something better.

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