Friday, January 8, 2010

If I only had a million dollars ...

the ads for my site - would be all over the TV show "The Big Bang Theory". This is the 21st century version of "Friends" - it is a place for smart young single people to congregate.

There was one episode in which a Nobel prize winning physicist guest stars, and Sheldon is going to a conference. It is a show which really makes intelligence count, as opposed to friends in which dumb and pretty were fashionable, except for Ross - who was the brains of the group. Jokes played on their dumbness, now the jokes
mostly focus on social awkwardness of smart geeks - also not perfect. Being nerdy is funny. I know a very smart guy, well educated, but can't find his way walking around the New York without his GPS, and not just town, but even around the block.

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