Monday, January 11, 2010

Intellectual Dating

Once a month or so I do a google search on intellectual and intelligent dating, and today I found several new sites: datemymind and intellectualdating. At first I thought, wow I might actually have competition, but then I looked at these sites, and they don't even seem to have any real profiles yet. They're just getting started - but alas they have no chance of making it.

Here is a typical failed example: - I only know about them because they hired someone to do their online marketing and I was contacted about doing a link exchange. Course I didn't exchange links with them because they didn't have anything to offer me at the time. But they obviously paid several thousand to a marketing agent who blasted the *world* with online ads and in doing so only created a spam filled site. Check it out, nothing but spam. It is a dead site, and thousands of dollars wasted. A sorry story, because the idea of coffee dating is good. I'd like to see something like that succeed. Maybe they should have just emailed the money to Africa for a save the children fund, than wasting time of the Nigerian internet cafes.


I'd like to warn the newbies to give up now, since they have zero chance, and I mean zero, not one in a million chance of making it. I am just about ready to throw in the towel myself. It costs a minimum of$5 to $10 to recruit each a new member, and that's after a year of experimenting with different ads and placements, and even worse, I have not been able to get a significant number of members to help out with recruiting new members.

I am going to keep watching these to see if they have any breakthroughs, and then maybe ask them if they want to pool forces. It's a tough niche to crack, and I know that I can use whatever help I can get.

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