Sunday, January 10, 2010

New York Smart Singles Meetup

The meetup group that I started in New York is starting to have a life of it’s own. I posted up three new events last night, and one of them filled up in less than 12 hours and now has a long waiting list. In just over a year there are over 1750 members, and we can start doing more than one event per day. The only limit is the amount of time that I and the other organizers have for leading events.

Link: New York Brainiac Meetup Group

It is not easy to find other who can lead events, otherwise the group would have grown much faster. Luckily, Carrie who is doing most of the events now is fabulous, and many people have joined because of her. I have seen other organizers come and go, andwould love to get more help with this. Maybe at some point, I’ll start charging a small membership fee, like $30/year and that would enable me to spend more time on it. We have had several articles written about the group, and was even contacted by a NBC news reporter, but they unfortunately did not follow up with a story.

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