Monday, February 1, 2010

How to reach out to Smart Singles

Yippee! Today my query in HARO was released to 100,000 readers as follows:

Lifestyle and Fitness
26. Stories about dating a brainiac (Brainiac Dating)

Media Outlet: Brainiac Dating
Deadline: 07:00 PM EST - 3 February


I am looking for stories to include in my blog about singles who
have funny or unusual experiences on a date with someone smart.
They don't necessarily need to be geeky or nerdy people that you
dated, but just to be considered relatively intelligent - and
note that there are many different ways to measure intelligence.
What did you learn from these dates, and would you do it again?

This is excellent free publicity, and exactly what I was hoping to get, but unfortunately they removed the link to my website - Brainiac Dating for the query. So now the reader needs to figure it out. Last time I released a HARO query, they provided a link to my blog - which is a separate site - and it had 200 visits! This time my website is given directly, but no link. Dammit!

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