Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Humorous Introductions

Here are some interesting comments from the introdutions in my brainiac meetup groups in NY, LA and SF.

San Francisco Meetup:

Mark Breimhorst : “Who doesn’t want to meet smart people? Even my dumb friends do!”

Claire: ” Looking for fun, interesting people to do interesting, fun stuff with. And then talk about it. In a smart way. Or at least a fun, interesting way. ”

RPSF: ” Would like to engage in meaningful discussions, debates -even mild arguments- about …anything! Like solving the current fiscal mess and growing unemployment, e.g. ”

Gregory: ” Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former ”

Ari: ” Hopefully just by being in this group some intelligence will rub off on me … :) ”

Stacy: ” my head may look small, i really have a big brain. and i’m modest. and have excellent social skills… ;-) ”

Alice: ” 01001000 01101001 00001101 00001010 ” ( very appropriate for the Bay area )

From the LA group:
Benbo: “I can find my way home 8 times out of 10”

Carlyn: “I get bored having to make small talk at bars :-) ”

Joan: ” I’m interested in meeting people who want to talk about something other than sports or the weather. “

New York City:
Allan: "I get these nerdy itches I need to scratch."

Jason: "The New York Airheads group wasn't doing for me anymore." Jason

Lisa: "I have more then 2 functioning braincells. Wait..lemme check. Yeah there's 3. Always gotta have a back up." -

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